NIÐURSTÖÐUR:Allir veitingastaðir48

Mai Thai Bistro & Supermarket
Laugavegur 118, Reykjavík, Iceland, Reykjavík
Mai Thai Bistro & Supermarket býður upp á mikið úrval af vörum til austurlenskrar matargerðar & frábæran Tælenskan mat til að taka með e& lesa nánar

Reykjavík Kitchen
Rauðarárstígur 8, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland, Reykjavík
Reykjavík Kitchen er fjölskyldu rekinn veitingastaður í hjarta Reykjavíkur. Við erum stolt af því að veita vingjarnlegt andrúmsloft og góðan lesa nánar

Reykjavik Meat
Frakkastígur 8, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland, Reykjavík
Jón Örn, our local butcher at Kjötkompaní, produces beef tenderloin deluxe and lamb delight and we are the only restaurant in Iceland that have it on the menu. Our menu &n lesa nánar

Reykjavik Fish Restaurant
Tryggvagata 8, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland, Reykjavík
Excellent fish & chips, fresh and crunchy. The ocean-related photos and kitsch give the family-friendly and fairly-priced Reykjavík Fish Restaurant the feel of an old fisherman’s home. Its lesa nánar

Reykjavik Fish - Frakkastíg
Frakkastígur 12, 101 Reykjavík, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland, Reykjavík
Excellent fish & chips, fresh and crunchy. The ocean-related photos and kitsch give the family-friendly and fairly-priced Reykjavík Fish Restaurant the feel of an old fisherman’s home. Its lesa nánar

The Irishman Pub
Klapparstígur 27, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland, Reykjavík
The Irishman Pub is a new addition to the thriving pub & bar culture in Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland. Located in the heart of downtown at Klapparstígur 27. Every day we offer happy hou lesa nánar

Public House - Gastropub
Laugavegur 24, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland, Reykjavík
Icelandic ingredients with a Japanese flair - At public house gastropub, we emphasise serving fun dining along with some quality ambience. We use Icelandic ingredients, but we add some “Japanese flair&rdq lesa nánar

Sumac Grill
Laugavegur 28, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland, Reykjavík
Sumac: djúprauð villt ber sem vaxa víða í Miðausturlöndum og við Miðjarðarhaf – eru síðan sólþurrkuð. Sumac stýrir lesa nánar

Port 9 vín bar
Veghúsarstígur 9, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland, Reykjavík
AT A GLANCE - Be ready to be spoilt for great service and distinct choices of culinary experiences at Reykjavik most prominent location. Under the helm of Gunnar Páll Rúnarsson PORT lesa nánar

Bastard Brew & Food
Vegamótastígur 4, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland, Reykjavík
Eldhúsið er opið til 10 alla daga vikunnar, á boðstólum eru réttir eins og flatbrauð með úrvali af áleggjum, tacos, frábærir hamborgara lesa nánar