Reykjavik Fish - Frakkastíg

Frakkastígur 12, 101 Reykjavík, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland, Reykjavík

: 578 5656

: 578 5656

Excellent fish & chips, fresh and crunchy. The ocean-related photos and kitsch give the family-friendly and fairly-priced Reykjavík Fish Restaurant the feel of an old fisherman’s home. Its name is straightforward and so is the food

Its trademark is fish and chips, freshly-caught cod in batter or breadcrumbs, with three types of fries and five different sauces, all equally tasty. You can also order other seafood dishes—and in the case of someone in your company not liking fish—chicken or salad. Reykjavík Fish Restaurant is located in the harbour area at Tryggvagata 8 and Frakkastígur 2

Opening hours
Every day between 11:00 – 22:00



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